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Or find a way to cache feed images (in the feed format Themserver uses) to a local folder would work too.

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If someone else finds a way to get the images to show in iPhoto I'd be interested. It works ok since I run parallels, but relies on me running the VM to refresh the images. Then in Sys Prefs I set this alias folder as my folder for Wallpaper images and set auto rotation. Twenty-eight years inside for someone else’s crime. On the Mac side I opened my Parallels PVM package and drilled down to that location, then created an alias to that folder and put it under my Mac Pictures folder for easy finding.


The Windows 7 theme stores the images in a Temporary Internet Files folder, mine was at c:users(username)AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesEnclosure Export photos from mac photos app. Store in iCloud selects and Optimize Mac Storage.


Optimize Storage selects “Automatically delete watched movies and TV shows.”In macOS Mojave or earlier, open iTunes, choose iTunes Preferences from the menu bar, then click Advanced. Optimize Storage selects “Automatically delete watched movies and TV shows.”. If you're using macOS Catalina, open the Apple TV app, choose TV Preferences from the menu bar, then click Files. In Messages, choose Messages Preferences, then click iMessage. Store in iCloud selects Enable Messages in iCloud. So I solved my problem, which was using the images from the themeserver feed as my wallpaper, but I also use Parallels and subscribe to the feed on my Windows 7 Theme. If you view such a feed in Google Reader, it wont show the pictures either, only links to the images. I think it has to do with the way the RSS feed puts the images in enclosures. I couldn't get any photos to load in iPhoto, but it did show that there were 50+ items.

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ReadKit can sync your Feed Wrangler, NewsBlur, Feedbin, Fever, or Feedly feeds to your Mac, as well as any articles you have saved to Pocket or Instapaper. This popular RSS reader app automatically syncs feeds and integrates with the most popular RSS reading later tools and other services on Mac desktops. That rate includes free access to apps that the company offers for iOS, and an upcoming app the service says it will offer for the Mac.We've made several award winning utilities, popular news readers, desktop social apps. Rocky Sand Studio is passionate to create amazing apps for Mac.

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