Front end developer starter kits livereload
Front end developer starter kits livereload

gulp-htmlhint (⭐82) - HTMLHint (⭐2.9k) wrapper to validate your HTML.gulp-csslint - Automated linting of CSS with CSSLint (⭐4.7k).gulp-remark (⭐10) - Gulp plugin for remark (⭐5.7k) - markdown processor powered by plugins.gulp-swig (⭐69) - Swig (⭐3.1k) templates → HTML.gulp-template (⭐283) - Lodash (⭐55k) templates → JavaScript.gulp-markdown (⭐177) - Markdown → HTML.gulp-riot (⭐105) - Riot (⭐15k) templates → JavaScript.gulp-dustjs (⭐18) - Dust (⭐2.9k) templates → JavaScript.gulp-nunjucks (⭐151) - Nunjucks (⭐7.9k) templates → JavaScript.gulp-hb (⭐146) - Handlebars (⭐17k) templates → HTML.gulp-handlebars (⭐172) - Handlebars (⭐17k) templates → JavaScript.gulp-angular-templatecache (⭐525) - Concatenate and register AngularJS templates in the $templateCache.wiredep (⭐1.2k) - Wire Bower dependencies to your source code.gulp-inject (⭐817) - Transform each file to a string and inject each transformed string into placeholders in the target stream files.gulp-useref (⭐715) - Parse build blocks in HTML files to replace references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets.gulp-iconfont (⭐841) - Create icon fonts from several SVG icons.gulp-svgstore (⭐651) - Combine svg files into one with elements.gulp-responsive (⭐513) - Generate images at different sizes.gulp-svg2png (⭐56) - Convert SVGs to PNGs.gulp-css-base64 (⭐65) - Transform all resources found (those within a url() declaration) in CSS files into base64-encoded data URI strings.gulp-uncss (⭐960) - Remove unused CSS selectors with UnCSS (⭐9.3k).gulp-svgmin (⭐344) - Minify SVG files with gulp.gulp-imagemin (⭐1.9k) - Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images with imagemin (⭐5.2k).gulp-htmlmin (⭐733) - Minify HTML with html-minifier (⭐4.7k).gulp-uglify (⭐1.2k) - Minify JavaScript with UglifyJS2 (⭐12k).gulp-csso (⭐241) - Minify CSS with CSSO (⭐3.6k).gulp-clean-css (⭐642) - Minify CSS with clean-css (⭐4k).gulp-concat (⭐791) - Concatenate files.gulp-cssnext (⭐53) - Use tomorrow's CSS syntax, today, using cssnext (⭐5.4k).

front end developer starter kits livereload

gulp-myth (⭐39) - Myth (⭐4.4k) - a polyfill for future versions of the CSS spec.gulp-regenerator (⭐18) - ES6 → ES5 with Regenerator (⭐3.7k).webpack-stream (⭐1.4k) - Run webpack (⭐62k) as a stream to conveniently integrate with gulp.gulp-react (⭐236) - Facebook React (⭐196k) JSX templates → JavaScript.gulp-typescript (⭐773) - TypeScript (⭐85k) → JavaScript.gulp-coffee (⭐225) - Coffeescript (⭐16k) → JavaScript.gulp-postcss (⭐763) - Pipe CSS through PostCSS (⭐27k) processors with a single parse.gulp-compass (⭐175) - Sass → CSS with Ruby Sass & Compass.gulp-ruby-sass (⭐470) - Sass → CSS with Ruby Sass.gulp-sass (⭐1.6k) - Sass → CSS with libsass (⭐4.3k).Miscellaneous Resources / Gulp with WordPress Advanced WordPress Development Using Gulp.Improving Your Ember.js Workflow Using Gulp.js.Taking React to the Next Level: Mixins, Gulp, and Browserify.Tutorials / Gulp with React and Browserify Angular, Webpack and Gulp for an SPA: Part III.Angular, Webpack and Gulp for an SPA: Part II.

front end developer starter kits livereload

  • Angular, Webpack and Gulp for an SPA: Part I.
  • Tutorials / Gulp with Angular and Webpack
  • Advanced AngularJS Structure with Gulp, Node and Browserify.
  • Tutorials / Gulp with Angular and Browserify
  • What Every Angular Project Likely Needs - and a Gulp Build to Provide It.
  • Fast Browserify Builds with Watchify (⭐33k).
  • Gulp 4: The new task execution system - gulp.parallel and ries.
  • 6 Gulp Best Practices You Can Use Today to Radically Improve Your Development Experience.
  • #Front end developer starter kits livereload how to#

    Why You Shouldn’t Create a Gulp Plugin (or, How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love Existing Node Packages).Setting Up Gulp Tasks for the First Time.Automating Linkage: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Build.Using Gulp to Inject Scripts and Styles Tags Directly into Your HTML.Gulp - The Vision, History, and Future of the Project.

    front end developer starter kits livereload front end developer starter kits livereload

  • Automate Your Tasks Easily with Gulp.js.
  • :tropical_drink: A curated list of awesome gulp resources, plugins, and boilerplates for a better development workflow automation. Track Awesome Gulp (alferov/awesome-gulp) Updates Daily - Track Awesome List Track Awesome Gulp Updates Daily

    Front end developer starter kits livereload